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I’m a data owner

The authoritative source for global data intelligence

Neudata provides unbiased research and expert consultancy on data sources and use cases. We connect data buyers and sellers through our platform, creating efficiencies for people who work with data.

Maximise your data’s
profit potential

Whether you already have a sellable data product and want buyers to find you, or you’ve only just started to think about monetising your data, we can help you.

List your data for free
Let data buyers find YOU!
Monetise my data
Kick-start or improve your data monetisation journey
A person using a laptop displaying the Neudata Scout interface, showing a list of datasets with filters and sorting options.Three men in a business meeting setting, one man in a blue suit is seated with a number 1 sign in front of him, while two other men, one wearing glasses, engage in discussion.

Read about our partners’ results

“AltDating takes the hassle out of getting connected with the right buyer, and for buyers it takes the hassle out of finding the data they are looking for. It saves both parties a lot of time.”

Alex Occhipinti, Business Development, Nowcast, testimonial photo
Alex Occhipinti
Business Development, Nowcast

“With one thematic investor [that we met through AltDating], we’re already in the contract-signing process. Neudata is doing great work of finding partners and making sure that the meetings actually take place. So far, we’ve had zero ghosting.”

Micael Timonen, Head of Sales, Quant-IP, testimonial photo.
Micael Timonen
Head of Sales, Quant-IP

“AltDating actually skyrocketed the interest in our Traffic Index product tremendously. The programme is straightforward and provides a good opportunity to connect with funds directly and pitch our offering.”

Marc Noët, Co-founder, Dataprovider.com, testimonial image.
Marc Noët
Co-founder, Dataprovider.com

“The AltDating process, for me, is a very low-entry way to meet new people. And you always learn something new in AltDating – either it’s feedback on your proposition or you have a follow up where you can agree on a data trial.”

Tjeerd van Cappell, Founder and Managing Director, aiLiftOff, testimonial photo.
Tjeerd van Cappell
Founder and Managing Director, aiLiftOff

Grow your data business with Neudata

List your dataset for free

Ensure the success of your data journey with Neudata

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