The State of Permanency Risk in 2020

Daryl Smith, CFA, Head of Research (London)

Neudata Intelligence
Post feature

Given the recent spate of dataset terminations, we thought it pertinent to share our insight on the topic of permanency risk. For an industry reliant on the sharing of data, it comes as no surprise that the ever-growing spotlight on data privacy has huge implications for dataset permanency risk. As the alternative data space becomes increasingly saturated, it’s also the case that lower quality datasets are getting filtered out of the market more quickly. So what do these developments mean for data buyers? 

In this piece, we break down the factors that contribute to a dataset’s permanency risk – in other words, warning signs that investors should look out for when considering whether to commit to a dataset. 

To clarify, at Neudata, we define permanency risk as:

…the risk that a dataset will not be available in the future

In other words, the risk of dataset termination.

By leveraging our unique position in the market, we are also able to provide proprietary analysis on the state of permanency risk across the alternative data ecosystem.


In our experience, there are four key factors that can impact datasets’ permanency risk:

  1. Data privacy legislation and policies

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