Hot commodity: Let’s talk uranium data

Konstantinos Vafeidis, Associate (London)

Neudata Intelligence
Post feature

The price of uranium boomed in 2023 as the nuclear power industry continued its recovery from the Fukushima disaster more than a decade ago. Investors have jumped on the trend too. Reports indicate that investor buying comprised 26% of total uranium spot market activity. As global supply concerns, geopolitical uncertainty and international net-zero targets lead many to predict a further surge in uranium’s price, we expect investors will continue devising uranium-specific data strategies. In this intelligence report, we decipher recent market-moving events to highlight datasets that investors could incorporate into their data portfolios for uranium investment and trading use cases.


While many will begin their scouting processes by looking into incumbent commodity data providers, we believe such efforts won’t bear fruit in the uranium market.

Indeed, leading providers of commodity flow data such as Kpler and AXSMarine do not cover uranium. This is also the case for the universe of inventory data providers. Providers have recently displayed their ability to adapt to changing market conditions – Ursa Space Systems launched an iron ore inventory product amid top-trending outlooks for the commodity in 2024 – but the wider universe of data providers has yet to develop similar solutions to track uranium.